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Hunk #%d ignored at %s. Unreversed%s patch detected!lost hunk on alloc error!ignored%d out of %d hunk%s %s -- saving rejects to file %s.rejRemoving file %s%s Skipping patch. out of memory using Plan Amainpatch.cbackupcontextdirectoryifdefremove-empty-filesforcefuzzgetinputignore-whitespacenormalforwardoutputstripreject-filereversequietsilentbatchset-timeunifiedversionversion-controldebugbasename-prefixsuffixset-utcdry-runverbosebinaryhelpno-backup-if-mismatchposixquoting-styleInput options:Output options:Miscellaneous options: --help Output this help.backup suffix is emptybackup prefix is emptyfuzz factorget option valuestrip countdebugging optionquoting style%s: %s: extra operand Can't change to directory %s%s %s is negative%s %s is too large%s %s is not a number **** ---- -----*************** *** 0%s *** %s%s *** %s,%s%s --- 0%s --- %s%s --- %s,%s%s apply_hunkpch_char(new) == ' 'outstate->after_newlinewCan't create file %sil=%s lfl=%s TMPDIR%s/p%cXXXXXXTMPTEMP/tmpmktempPatch attempted to create file %s, which already exists. Not enough memory to try swapped hunk! Assuming unswapped. Reversed (or previously applied)can't set permissions on file %s and any empty ancestor directoriesFile %s is not empty after patch, as expected Can't set permissions on file %sCan't set timestamp on file %sNot setting time of file %s (contents mismatch) Not setting time of file %s (time mismatch) Ran out of memory using Plan A -- trying again... -p NUM --strip=NUM Strip NUM leading components from file names. -F LINES --fuzz LINES Set the fuzz factor to LINES for inexact matching. -l --ignore-whitespace Ignore white space changes between patch and input. -c --context Interpret the patch as a context difference. -e --ed Interpret the patch as an ed script. -n --normal Interpret the patch as a normal difference. -u --unified Interpret the patch as a unified difference. -N --forward Ignore patches that appear to be reversed or already applied. -R --reverse Assume patches were created with old and new files swapped. -i PATCHFILE --input=PATCHFILE Read patch from PATCHFILE instead of stdin. -o FILE --output=FILE Output patched files to FILE. -r FILE --reject-file=FILE Output rejects to FILE. -D NAME --ifdef=NAME Make merged if-then-else output using NAME. -E --remove-empty-files Remove output files that are empty after patching. -Z --set-utc Set times of patched files, assuming diff uses UTC (GMT). -T --set-time Likewise, assuming local time. --quoting-style=WORD output file names using quoting style WORD. Valid WORDs are: literal, shell, shell-always, c, escape. Default is taken from QUOTING_STYLE env variable, or 'shell' if unset.Backup and version control options: -b --backup Back up the original contents of each file. --backup-if-mismatch Back up if the patch does not match exactly. --no-backup-if-mismatch Back up mismatches only if otherwise requested. -V STYLE --version-control=STYLE Use STYLE version control. STYLE is either 'simple', 'numbered', or 'existing'. -B PREFIX --prefix=PREFIX Prepend PREFIX to backup file names. -Y PREFIX --basename-prefix=PREFIX Prepend PREFIX to backup file basenames. -z SUFFIX --suffix=SUFFIX Append SUFFIX to backup file names. -g NUM --get=NUM Get files from RCS etc. if positive; ask if negative. -t --batch Ask no questions; skip bad-Prereq patches; assume reversed. -f --force Like -t, but ignore bad-Prereq patches, and assume unreversed. -s --quiet --silent Work silently unless an error occurs. --verbose Output extra information about the work being done. --dry-run Do not actually change any files; just print what would happen. --posix Conform to the POSIX standard. -d DIR --directory=DIR Change the working directory to DIR first. --binary Read and write data in binary mode (no effect on this platform). -v --version Output version info.Report bugs to .%s: Try `%s --help' for more information. Usage: %s [OPTION]... [ORIGFILE [PATCHFILE]] warning: the `-b %s' option is obsolete; use `-b -z %s' instead --version-control or -V optionbackup basename prefix is emptycan't output patches to standard outputOffset changing from %s to %s fatal internal error in abort_hunkoldchar = '%c', newchar = '%c' Out-of-sync patch, lines %s,%s -- mangled text or line numbers, maybe?misordered hunks! output would be garbled w+bCan't open stream for file %sfstatCan't open patch file %sgrow_hunkmaxpch.cp_line && p_len && p_Chardone File to patch: Skip this patch? [y] a unified diffa context diffa new-style context diffa normal diffan ed scriptThe next patch l %sooks like %s to me... Hmm...+++ Index:Prereq:--- ********< > is already emptyalready existsempty outcreate, when reversed,deletedoes not exist@@ -intuit_diff_typei0 != NONE-------------------------- skip_top_base <= file_pos*** %s,%s --- %s,%s %s %c %c *** %s,%s **** --- %s,%s ---- 0,0another_hunkthe new style...)%s %s %s PrematureOverduep_end < hunkmaxp_end == -1pch_swapi == p_ptrn_lines + 1tp_char[0] == '*'p_Char[0] == '='%s %s%sw q can't open `%s'Can't open pipe to %sdo_ed_script! inerrno%s FAILED Ignoring the trailing garbage. done I can't seem to find a patch in there anywhere. (Patch is indented %d space%s.) No file to patch. Skipping patch. can't find file to patch at input line %s Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option? Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option? (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) Only garbage was found in the patch input.The next patch%s would %s the file %s, which %s!missing header for context diff at line %s of patch missing header for unified diff at line %s of patch The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- malformed patch at line %s: %smissing line number at line %s: %sline number %.*s is too large at line %s: %sNot enough memory to swap next hunk! `>' expected at line %s of patchunexpected end of file in patch at line %s`---' expected at line %s of patch`<' expected at line %s of patchunexpected end of file in patchreplacement text or line numbers mangled in hunk at line %sfilldst==p_end+1 || filldst==repl_beginningfillsrc==p_end+1 || fillsrc==repl_beginningfillsrc %s, filldst %s, rb %s, e+1 %s the telltale extra asterisks on the *** line that usually indicate(Fascinating -- this is really a new-style context diff but withoutp_prefix_context != -1 && p_suffix_context != -1no `---' found in patch at line %sunexpected `***' at line %s: %sunexpected end of hunk at line %sduplicate `---' at line %s; check line numbers at line %s%s `---' at line %s; check line numbers at line %sunterminated hunk starting at line %s; giving up at line %s: %spatch unexpectedly ends in middle of line 0000555555555555555555555;2355555555\$355/bin/edliteralshellshell-alwaysescapelocale`"|ÞʞIIIhIhIhIzIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII`K`K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K`K`K`K,K`K,K`K`K`K`K`K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K`K`K,K`K`K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K`K`K,K`K,K`K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K,K`KN(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(NNN(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(NNNNNNNNNNNN(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(NNN NNN(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(NNN(NN(NN(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(NN(NNCan't remove file %sCan't rename file %s to %sRenaming file %s to %s Removing file %s Can't close file %sCan't reopen file %sRCS/%s%sRCSSCCS/%s%sSCCS%s@@ClearCaseRCS/%s./Can't get file %s from %s with lockGetting file %s from %s%s... Get file %s from %s%s? [y] savebufutil.cs && size%s: **** out of memoryread errorwrite errortty readEOF/dev/tty Applying it anyway. Ignoring -R. Assuming -R. Ignore -R? [n] Apply anyway? [n] Assume -R? [n] Skipping patch.+ %s Removed empty directory %s fetchname %s %d fseekCreating empty unreadable file %s can't do dry run on nonexistent version-controlled file %s; invoke `%s' and try again/dev/null,vco %sco -l %srcsdiff %ss.get get -e get -p |diff - %scleartool co -unr -nc  Copyright 1984-1988 Larry Wall Copyright 1989-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.written by Larry Wall and Paul Eggert2.5.4%s %s %s %s %s Memory exhausted>; (hxh d k}zR| X\ N. .....  .(xܴ X N. .....  .(T   jH<  lXd40ooo2 *:JZjzʐڐ *:JZjzʑڑ *:JZjzʒڒ *:JZjzʓړ *:JZjzGCC: (GNU) 3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.2GCC: (GNU) 3.2.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.bss.comment (( !HHt' /<< 7o22 Do PS 44 0\ dd X e`ԏk\qjw k 4> TT),0ddd0,1XX2``2hh2ll2<3L$ 3F5